Crush-It Green (CIG) is a private company created in 2019, when the two partners took over an existing recycling and production facility that has been in operation since 2016.

With the environment becoming an increasingly popular topic, recycling construction materials are more important than ever, reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.

The focus of the facility is to provide a tipping facility for construction material/aggregate such as stone, soil and masonry items obtained from demolished structures and building rubble. This material is then processed and used in the production of sub-base fill material such as G5, G6, G7, G8, Building Sand, and Topsoil.

The material is brought in by various customers and transporters, which is tipped and the material is then processed or recycled to produce the products, which is then sold back into the construction industry.

Global GreenTag South Africa:

Global GreenTag Certification is a world first, third party, green building product rating system underpinned by rigorous scientific and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Health, Ecotoxicity, Greenhouse Gas Emission and Biodiversity assessment processes. It’s advanced, robust ‘beyond LCA’ certification methodology is independently verified as an ISO 14024 compliant Type 1 Eco label.

Global GreenTag is the largest certification system in South Africa and one of the largest globally.